Flowery House

November 27, 2011

Flowery House

Cheese sandwich house with carrot flowers, asparagus trees, popcorn chimney smoke, egg cars, berries

Butterflies Fluttering By

November 27, 2011

Butteflies Fluttering By

Papusa butterfly cutouts with embossing on the beans, babybel with cutout, mini cheese cut out sandwiches

Bear-y Cute Lunches

November 27, 2011

Bear-y Cute Papusa Lunch

Papusa bear cut outs, bear egg mold on tabbouleh, fruit

Bear-y Cute Sandwich Lunch

Cheese sandwich cut outs, bear egg molds, green salad with mini bear cucumbers and carrots, fruit

Barnyard Friends

November 27, 2011

Barnyard Friends

Pig and cow cheese sandwiches, mini tomato flowers, melon balls

Penguin Parade

November 27, 2011

Penguin Parade

Hard-boiled egg penguin with carrot and nori embellishment, cheese mini penguin sandwiches, fruit

Where I get Ideas

November 7, 2011

I get most of my ideas from all the great bento web sites that are out there, including:

I also spend a lot of time looking through Flick’r and Pinterest with keywords ‘cute food’, bento or whatever kind of animal I am looking for (i.e. ‘lion bento’)

My non-bento inspiration lately is from simple coloring books and how-to’s on cartooning and drawing chibis.

My Pinterest boards, including Cute Food and Lunch Inspirations are at www.pinterest.com/llatorre/