FunBites Fun!

March 7, 2012

Today I am going to demonstrate and give away a FunBites food cutter

For the longest time I went back and forth about buying one. They look so cute and fun but I wasn’t sure the shapes would be a match for my simple cartoon bentoesquing style. So, I put it off. But now FunBites gave me my choice of style to review AND an extra to give away to one of my beloved readers. Yay!

The first morning I opened it up and just sat staring at it, not sure it was going to click. So, I sliced up a piece of bread to play with. Then Cora came in the room and took over. It was love at first sight! And we had so much fun, it was like playing with the little geo tiles that Cora loves at school and I play with on my favorite iPad game. Together we quickly came up with so many fun shapes:

Happy person

Cute kitty

Tall tree

Really strong person carrying a lot of presents (this one was all Cora, can you tell?)


While Cora continued playing with the bread shapes I got to work on her lunch and ended up with…

Funny Bunny FunBites Lunch

Almond butter and marmalade bunny FunBites sandwich, strawberry, cream cheese and fruit leather rabbit, pretzel carrots, cheddar bunnies, strawberry flowers

The next day, I was drawn to continue playing with the FunBites and ended up with …

FunBites Forest

Cheese sandwich FunBites forest with naturally dyed cheese, owl egg dyed orange with natural colors, baked BBQ chips, strawberry flowers

Cora had so much fun playing with the shapes I was a little afraid she would play instead of eating at lunchtime. But, she demolished the bunny and ate most the forest. Not bad!

FunBites Giveaway!

And now, you can win one of your very own!

You will get one entry for each of the following steps. The first two are mandatory to win, but the rest just give an opportunity to increase your chances of winning. Please make a new comment for each action you take because I will use a random number generator to pick an entry within the number of comments I get. That random number will correspond to the winning comment. The winner will be picked after 5pm PST on Monday, March 12 and I will post his/her name on the Veggie-Bento Facebook page. The winner will have 2 days to send me a message to claim the prize. Unfortunately, I am limited to US residents only.

Please enter one comment for each of the following before 5pm Monday, March 12

1. Leave a comment on this page and tell me which FunBites product you will choose, FunBites Luv It or Cube It

2. Like FunBites on Facebook

3. Like Veggie-Bento on Facebook

4. Share the link to this post on Facebook

5. Share the Veggie-Bento Facebook page on Facebook

More Giveaways!

But wait, there’s more! Some other wonderful Bento Bloggers are also giving away FunBites. So you can quadruple your chances by entering their giveaways as well.

Speaking of giveaways, yet more wonderful Bento Bloggers are giving away other stuff (its a giveaway bonanza this week!) I really shouldn’t tell you about them because I want to win, but I want to support these wonderful women even more!

Free Shipping on Funbites

If you don’t win, or can’t wait to get yours, FunBites has kindly extended an offer for free shipping on their site,, Just enter coupon code ‘MarchMadness’ when checking out.

Have fun!

34 Responses to “FunBites Fun!”

  1. llatorre Says:

    The giveaway is now closed. I will be updating with the winner shortly!

  2. ali Says:

    I like veggie-bento on FB.

  3. ali Says:

    I liked FunBites on FB.

  4. Jennifer hunt Says:

    Shared your link. I hope everyone checks it out. You are very inspiring on your creativity.

    • llatorre Says:

      Thank you! You have been so supportive and sweet about the blog. I really appreciate it!

  5. Jennifer hunt Says:

    Liked funfunbites! 🙂

  6. kat Says:

    I like you on facebook!

  7. kat Says:

    I liked fun bites on facebook!

  8. kat Says:

    I would love to have the luv it!

  9. Jennifer hunt Says:

    Happily posted to my wall

  10. Jennifer hunt Says:

    Like your page

  11. Jennifer hunt Says:

    Very cool. I would like the fun bites luv it.

  12. Joanne Says:

    I dont have any of the easy lunch boxes but I hope to some day and when I do, I can put cute lil sandwiches in it using my LUV-IT!!! so awesome!! and thanks for all the healthy delicious lunch ideas!!

  13. Joanne Says:

    I shared this site on my fb page:)

  14. Joanne Says:

    I like veggie-bento on fb

  15. Joanne Says:

    I like funbites on fb

  16. Joanne Says:

    I like you on FB

  17. Barbara Says:

    Okay, I have done all of the above, and honestly–I would love the cube it or the luv it. I’ve been drooling over them both for a couple of days now.

    • llatorre Says:

      Hi Barbara,

      Please be sure to leave one comment for each step to increase your chances of winning.


  18. Azure Says:

    I shared your page on FB!

  19. Azure Says:

    I shared the post on FB!

  20. Azure Says:

    I voted for FunBites in Walmart Get On The Shelf contest!

  21. Azure Says:

    I like YOU on FB!

  22. Azure Says:

    I like FunBites on FB!

  23. Azure Says:

    I would choose CubeIt!

  24. Sarah F. Says:

    Cube it! is what I would choose! I like you on FB, Like FunBites (of course) and will gladly share on my personal and FB page :*

    • llatorre Says:

      Hi Sarah,

      Please put in a comment for each step so you have more chances of winning.


  25. […] Veggie-Bento has a chance to win a FunBits Luv It! cutter. […]

  26. Rina Says:

    Like FunBites on Facebook

  27. Rina Says:

    I would LOVE the cube it 🙂

  28. I voted in the walmart contest.

  29. I like fun bites on facebook!!

  30. I like you on facebook!! 🙂

  31. Looks so fun!! I would love the squares!!

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