Froggie Fun

January 25, 2012

Froggie cheese sandwich, yogurt pretzels, watermelon flowers with froggie faces, cucumber stars

Cora made this great drawing to go with the froggie lunch

Chipmunk Love

January 23, 2012

Cheese chipmunk sandwich with cheese, spinach and fruit leather embellishments, heart egg on tabbouleh, broccoli with ranch dressing, watermelon and pineapple hearts

Sleepy cow lunch

January 22, 2012

Almond butter and jelly cow sandwich with fruit leather embellishment, freeze dried fruit, watermelon, bunny egg

Cheetah Lunch

January 18, 2012

Cheetah Sandwich

Cheetah Bento Lunch

Almond butter and jelly cheetah sandwich with cheese and fruit leather embellishments,bear egg, veggie sticks, berries

Cute Stuff Lunch

January 13, 2012

Today’s lunch is dominated by the yogurt, so not much room for a creative sammy. Instead, I brought out my cute little cutters to make cute critter sandwiches and melon pieces

cute sandwiches

cute characters lunch

cute character cutters

Strawberry flavored coconut milk yogurt with blueberries, granola ‘crunchies’ to add to yogurt, yogurt covered pretzels, egg sheet and cheese cutie sandwiches, melon cutie cut outs

I can’t remember where I got these cutters. When I find the link I will update the post with it

On another note, if anyone knows how to make these cutters turn out well, I’d love some pointers. My bread just gets gummed up inside the top, or gets sliced instead of marked, or both

Bookworm Lunch

January 12, 2012

Today we are going on a field trip to the library with Cora’s class. To get in the spirit, I made a bookworm lunch. Its a little simple but at least its fairly recognizable!

bookworm sandwich

bookworm lunch

Soy butter and jelly bookworm sandwich roll with fruit leather eye, cheese sandwich books, pomegranate seeds, Pirate Booty, carrots and hummus, fruit hearts

Doggie Lunch

January 11, 2012

Cora and I practiced this cartoon together last weekend. I’m hoping she recognizes it!

Soy butter and jelly doggie sandwich with fruit leather and soy paper embellishments, melon balls and bones, Babybel dog house, carrot sticks

Egg sheet and cheese sandwich, Fruity-Os (for iron), apple moon, watermelon and kiwi stars

Applesauce (in the round container), mac ‘n’ cheese and egg lions, veggies in ranch dressing, fruit butterflies

Got Your Goat Lunch

January 6, 2012

Cheese and egg sheet goat sandwich with cheese and spinach embellishment, fruit flowers, green salad flowers, pirate booty (its Friday!)