
December 10, 2011

Elephant Lunch

Sunbutter and honey sandwich rolls shaped into an elephant with fruit leather embellishments, babybel with heart cutout, heart shaped fruit, elephant pineapple cutout

Crabby Lunch

December 9, 2011

Crabby cheese sandwich, fish tank salad with carrot and cucumber fish and green bean ‘seaweed’, fruit starfish

Fancy Bird Lunch

December 9, 2011

Fancy birds

Cheese sandwich peacock with Quorn cutlet body, mac n cheese bird also with Quorn cutlet body and carrot feet, salad and fruit birds

Shhhh Sleeping Piggies

December 2, 2011

Sleeping Piggies

Strawberry cream cheese open faced piggie sandwiches with fruit leather embellishment, veggies and dip, flower fruit

Under The Sea

December 2, 2011

Under The Sea

Hummus sandwich fish with cheese embellishment, shell pasta with tomato sauce, string cheese octopuses (octopi?!), egg and ramen jellyfish, fruit bubbles

Eek a Mouse!

November 30, 2011

Eek a Mouse Elephants

Elephant and mouse papusas, pop chips, elephant fruit cutouts with impressions

Circus Lunch

November 29, 2011

Circus Lunch

Egg clown with ramen hair and quesadilla hat and bow, quesadilla circus elephants, egg, quesadilla and melon stars

Flower Smiling in the Sun

November 28, 2011

Flower Smiling in the Sun

Egg and papusa flower, egg and cheese sun, fruit flower cut outs

Mary Mary Not So Contrary

November 27, 2011

Mary Mary Not So Contrary

Girl with egg face, ramen hair, quesadilla body, quesadilla flowers, fruit flowers with three little maids all in a row (picks)

Little Bo Peep

November 27, 2011

Little Bo Peep

Person cheese sandwich with cheese and soy paper embellishments, macaroni and cheese and egg sheep