Whooooo’s That?

February 9, 2012

Taking a break from Pinky for a day, I made a made an owl lunch

Cheese sandwich owl with eyes of egg white, cheese and peas and carrot beak and feet, veggie sticks, star fruit salad and green salad forest (mung noodles dyed blue by cabbage water, egg white moon, asparagus trees, broccoli bushes and carrot flowers.

Pinky’s Puppy

February 8, 2012

Cora loved Pinky yesterday but really wanted her puppy too. So the next day I made her Pinky’s Puppy Lunch

Almond butter and jelly puppy sandwich with fruit leather features, watermelon heart and doggie bone, cantaloupe hearts, raspberries, strawberry flavored coconut milk yogurt

Today I experimented some more with coloring food with cabbage water. Cora took one look at the girls and named them Pinky and Bluey and decided they were on a play date. Pinky is based on an adorable illustration by Etsy vendor Nancy (nslittleshop)

Cheese sandwich girl with pink soy paper hair, cabbage-dyed pink cheese flowers, pea nose and fruit leather and cheese facial features. Egg girl with cabbage-dyed blue mung noodles hair and soy paper facial features. Organic, baked cheese curls, yogurt pretzel, peas and raspberries.

Something Fishy

February 3, 2012

Macaroni and cheese with cheese fishies, green salad fish tank, fish egg, fish watermelon with raspberry ‘fish food’.

Cora made this great ‘note’ to go in her lunch today. Its a dolphin, sea turtle and a bunch of little fish. Not bad for 3!

Snow Day 2

February 2, 2012

Another snow day lunch!

Cheese sandwich snowflakes, vanilla coconut milk yogurt, pirate booty, watermelon and kiwi snowflakes

Bento Blog Network

Snow Day Lunch

February 1, 2012

Last night we were talking about going to play in the snow with a friend of ours, and that inspired today’s lunch.

Cheese sandwich snowman with spinach and soy paper detail, raspberries and kosher marshmallows, fruit leather letters, ‘polar bear’ egg, pirate booty, green salad forest

Bento of the Week Winner

3 Little Pigs

January 30, 2012

Cream cheese and raspberry jam sandwich piggies with fruit leather detail in a bed of freeze dried strawberries, house of (carrot) sticks, Babybel cheese, pomegranite seeds, yogurt pretzels, raspberries

Unfortunately, Cora woke up on the independent side of the bed. By the time she finished making her ‘suggestions’ for her lunch, we ended up with the following:

But, at least I still have my entry for the bento blog contest. Yup, I’m entering my first contest! It is at Bento Blog Network with the theme ‘red’. So, go on over and check it out and please cast a vote for your favorite!

Cat ‘n’ Mouse Revisited

January 27, 2012

I liked this one last time I did it, but it could be better. So, when Cora asked for a cat lunch today I decided to see if I could improve upon it.

Almond butter and jelly cat sandwich with cheese and fruit leather embellishment

Egg mouse with cheese ears and pasta whiskers and tail

Mung noodle ball of yarn with dried pasta knitting needles. I turned the noodles pink by soaking in cabbage water. Finally one of my experiments in coloring food naturally worked!

Froggie Fun

January 25, 2012

Froggie cheese sandwich, yogurt pretzels, watermelon flowers with froggie faces, cucumber stars

Cora made this great drawing to go with the froggie lunch

Chipmunk Love

January 23, 2012

Cheese chipmunk sandwich with cheese, spinach and fruit leather embellishments, heart egg on tabbouleh, broccoli with ranch dressing, watermelon and pineapple hearts